
Location: Colorado, United States

I don't write comedy because I'm not funny enough.

Monday, December 03, 2012

Leaving messages

Do you leave messages? When you call someone, and they don't answer. The dreaded variant of "leave your message after the beep."
I don't leave a message. Almost never have. Perhaps in times past I may have left them more often than now.
I don't really know why either. Leaving a message is in its essence quite simple. Except that you only have one chance, don't want to mess it up. Those awkward pauses, emphasized when leaving a message. They seem to drag on for much longer than they really do. In reality they're quite short, simple and non-threatening, but in the process of the actual message making they seem to last a lot longer.
Unlike normal conversation, when leaving a message, I am overly conscious of my flaws.

Too often I'd find myself rethinking the message I had just made. Thinking of how it could have been better.
These days, the days of caller ID, I no longer leave messages. I'll just wait for the call back.